Here are a couple of poems from two of our poetry books in our library
A poem from - Forgive me, I meant to do it by Gail Carson Levine
(False Apology Poems)
This Is Just to Say
You fell
and cracked
your skull
on the hill
I had carefully
a banana peel
Forgive me
is now
my girlfriend
from the book - Happily Never After....modern cautionary verse
Mitchell Symons
Like many children of her age
Chloe loves her Facebook page
but unlike most, poor Chloe seems
To take her Facebook to extremes
She can't think or cry or chortle
Unless it's through Facebook's portal
To be online just seems so right
At any time of day or night
Offline, her world is just a blur:
Her Facebook friends are real to her
They poke her, 'like' her, check her feed
And hang on every word and deed
Her total count of friends to date?
Nine hundred and seventy-eight
Twenty-two more would be just 'grand' -
That's her next status update planned!
Then there's the 'chat' and all the games -
Farmville, The Sims - you know the names
Facebook's life without dross
It's not for you? then that's your loss!
Chloe thinks she is totally cool
Blanking all the kids at school
(Except for Emma. a Facebook friend,
Her classmates drive her round the bend).
It's true that bowling sounds like fun,
As does a picnic in the sun
These she ignores without a flicker
She craves a world that updates quicker.
So forget that party - nix that meal;
Forgo that concert - no big deal!
Who cares that Chloe has no chums?
She will, you see, when the time comes.

Moral: friends are people you can count on - not count.
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